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There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

Suggested pre-reading What this web page adds
  1. Writing a scientific publication
  2. Searching for literature
This web-page describes what you can do with the software EndNote. Reading this will make you understand the benefits of using a reference managing system like this (there are other options).

EndNote is one of several computer software used to manage references. It integrates with common word processors such as Microsoft Word.

Introduction to EndNote

The video below gives an introduction to the software EndNote version X9 (version 19)

Teaching EndNote to write to a specific journal

EndNote can be taught to format your document according to any journal you may want to submit your manuscript to. These instructions are saved in a format file specific to that journal. It is likely that someone has already learned EndNote to format manuscripts for the journal you are interested in. These instructions can be downloaded and copied into your EndNote:

  1. Have a look at EndNote output styles to be downloaded. You can download instructions for a specific journal as a file.
  2. Then copy the downloaded files to your styles folder, which is typically located at C:Program Files (x86)-EndNote X7-Styles, or to your personal Styles folder.
  3. Restart EndNote.
  4. Click on the Edit menu, then choose Output Styles, then Open Style manager.
  5. Your new journal should appear in the list. Ensure you tick the box beside the journal name.
  6. Go to Word and open the EndNote tab. In the drop down list for Style choose your journal.

There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

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