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There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

Suggested pre-reading What this web page adds
  1. Introduction to qualitative methods
This web-page provides a birds perspective on hermeneutics. Reading this will facilitate your understanding when reading publications based on hermeneutics.

The history of Hermeneutics

Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911)

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Hermeneutics as a philosophical theory of knowledge

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Interpretation as ontology

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Interpretation a theory of knowledge

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Interpretation as an explanation

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Empirical life world hermeneutics

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Day to day hermeneutics versus life world hermeneutics

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

A hermeneutic approach is self-critical and reflective

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

To interpret

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Testing the validity of interpretations

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Proposed workflow if using a hermeneutic life-world approach

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Reviewing studies using a hermeneutic life-world approach

(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)


(This section is still under construction. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

There is an updated version of the EPV-calculator found here: https://infovoice.se/epv-calculator/

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